"3 surprising ways to release stuck and stored tension in your body"


What a year.

It feels like it would be super useful to take a full deep breath.

In from the diaphragm, out through the mouth.

Exhaling out any stuck or stored stress and tension.


There are so many simple ways to release stored tension in the body.

It doesn't have to take long.

Just a little bit everyday makes all of the difference.

The best part 😉 It can help you prevent bigger problems like digestive issues, poor sleep, chronic aches and pains and more.


Here 3 simple ways to incorporate into your day...

❄️ Spend 5 minutes releasing Troublesome Trigger Points

❄️ Hop on your myofscial ball while you're binging Netflix

❄️ Put on your favorite stretch & release video and unwind from your day


The best part is, every bit of tension you release, builds resilience in your body which allows you to perform better in all the activities that bring you Joy.

And who doesn't need a little bit of Joy right now?

I recently filmed a couple of short videos for my Burnt Out to Blissed Out Facebook Group to help unlock some of that tension.

I thought you might benefit too :)

You can check out the videos below...

For more tips and tricks to release stress overwhelm and tension, head on over to ChristyNihol.com